
Frequently asked questions

Which web browser alveoConnect® supports?
Which versions of web browsers does alveoConnect® support?
How do I sign in?

To Sign in to the alveoConnect® application, follow these steps:

Open the Application

– Please navigate to the web address “” using a web browser to access the application.

(For Existing Users)

Access the alveoConnect® application.

  1. On to the Sign-In page.
  2. Enter your username in the designated field.
  3. Input your password into the password field.
  4. Double-check the accuracy of your credentials.
  5. Click on the “Sign In” button to proceed.

Accessing the Application

After successfully signing in, you will have access to the features and functionalities of the alveoConnect application.

Note: It’s important to keep your login credentials secure and not share them with others.

Following these steps, you can seamlessly sign in to the alveoConnect® application and explore its features. Keep in mind, for new users, registration is the initial required step.

How do I reset my password?

Log in to the alveoConnect® application using your current username and password.

Navigate to the profile details section.

Locate and click on the “Change Password” button.

A sidebar will appear, prompting you to enter your old password, new password, and confirm the new password.

Enter your old password in the designated field.

Input your desired new password in the appropriate field.

Confirm your new password by retyping it in the “Confirm Password” field.

Verify that your new password matches and adheres to any requirements.

Click on the “Save” button to confirm the password change.

Following these steps, your password will be successfully reset in the alveoConnect application. Remember to keep your new password secure for future logins.

Does alveoConnect® support access from mobile devices or tablets?
How does alveoConnect® notify users about updates, new features, or changes to the platform?
What security measures does alveoConnect® have in place to ensure the safety of user data?

1. The application implements strict access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

2. User data is stored securely on servers.

3. alveoConnect® provides resources and guidance to users on best practices for data security, including recommendations for creating strong passwords, avoiding phishing scams, and recognizing potential security threats.

Does alveoConnect® integrate with other third-party tools or platforms?
What is the guideline for performing the spirometry?
What are the contain of alveoair spirometer box

When you purchase the alveoair Spirometer, the box will contain the following items:

alveoair Spirometer Device:

Quantity: 1

Description: This is the main unit of the alveoair Spirometer, the device used for conducting spirometry tests. It’s designed to measure lung function and airflow.


Quantity: 2 AAA batteries

– Description: These are used to power the alveoair Spirometer. Ensure that these batteries are inserted correctly for the device to function.


Quantity: 1

Description: The turbine is a crucial component of the spirometer. It’s used to measure the flow rate of air entering and exiting the lungs during the spirometry test.

Additional Information:

Along with these primary components, the box may also include a user manual or guide. This manual provides important information on how to use the device, safety instructions, and maintenance guidelines.

It’s advisable to read the user manual thoroughly before using the device.

Some models might include additional accessories like disposable mouthpieces, nose clips, or carrying cases, depending on the manufacturer’s package.

Note: Always check the contents upon receiving your alveoair Spirometer to ensure all items are present and in good condition. If anything is missing or damaged, contact the supplier or manufacturer immediately for assistance.

This overview gives you a clear idea of what to expect in the alveoair Spirometer box, ensuring you are well-prepared for its use.

Is inputting height and weight values essential before performing a spirometry test?
What is the typical level of accuracy percentage associated with spirometry tests conducted using alveoair spirometry device?
How are spirometry results interpreted?
What are the Predicated Values?
How can I determine if the device is turned on?
Is there any indication in the device, if the device is connected to a web application?
What is the term condition if the device stops working within warranty?
Is there any provision to extend the device warranty?
Is your device FDA-approved?
How many languages are supported by alveoConnect® application?
Do you have an open API to integrate the application with another system?
Can I associate one device with multiple users?
Is it possible to register a device directly from the alveoConnect® application?
Does a low battery percentage impact test results?
Which type of battery alveoair supports

User Related

What are the age criteria for patient registration in the alveoConnect® application?
Can I get the PDF report of my spirometry test over email?
What are the contraindications for spirometry testing?

Contraindications for spirometry testing include conditions or factors that may pose risks or limitations to the individual undergoing the test. Some common contraindications include:

1. Recent thoracic, abdominal, or eye surgery

2. Recent heart attack or unstable angina

3. Recent pneumothorax or collapsed lung

4. Recent myocardial infarction

5. Acute respiratory distress

6. Recent eye surgery, including retinal detachment

7. Recent gastrointestinal surgery

8. Recent pulmonary embolism

9. Recent stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)

10. Inability to understand or follow instructions for performing the test

How often should spirometry testing be repeated for monitoring lung function over time?
Can spirometry testing be performed on children or individuals with certain medical conditions?
Is my health information secure on the alveoConnect® application?